ProagriMedia is daarop gefokus om kwaliteit nuus en inligting aan ons lesers — waarvan 76% kommersiële boere is — te bring.
Ons joernaliste spesialiseer in promosie-artikels skryf oor landbouprodukte en -dienste in ‘n verstaanbare, lekkerleesstyl. Bedryfskundiges skryf ook oor boerderypraktyke en landbou-insette soos werktuie, saad, bemesting, diererasse en -voeding.
ProAgri se gedrukte tydskrif word maandeliks regstreeks versprei na boere sedert 1994. Die gratis tydskrif is beskikbaar aanlyn by of in gedrukte formaat as ProAgri SA, ProAgri BNZ en ProAgri ZM.
Deur ons verskeie platvorms, bereik ons maandeliks meer as 20 miljoen mense in 29 Afrika-lande.
Onderwerpe wat dikwels aangeraak word sluit in dieregesondheid, besproeiing, landboutoerusting, werktuie, bemesting, wild, meganisasie, gewasse, hulpbronbestuur, asook leefstyl.
Ons digitale platvorms vorm ‘n noodsaaklike deel van telers en genootskappe se bemarkingsstrategie.
ProAgri Media focuses on bringing quality news and information to our readers - 76% of whom are commercial farmers.
Our experienced journalists specialise in promotional articles about agricultural products and services, written in an understandable, enjoyable reading style. Industry experts also provide information on farming practices and agricultural inputs such as implements, seeds, fertilisers and animal husbandry.
ProAgri's print magazine has been distributed directly to farmers monthly since 1994. The free magazine is available online at or in print as ProAgri SA, ProAgri BNZ and ProAgri ZM.
Through our various platforms, we reach more than 20 million people in 29 African countries every month.
Topics that are often discussed include animal health and husbandry, irrigation, agricultural equipment, tools, fertilization, game, mechanization, crop production, resource management, as well as lifestyle.
Our digital platforms play an essential role in the marketing strategies of breeders and associations