abodoo.ai is a global skills technology company transforming future learning and lives. Our 2030 Skills Mission is here www.abodoo.com/company
We built Abodoo to create a skills platform that had inclusivity to learning and opportunities at its heart.
Our focus is on powering government, education and companies with unparalleled skills software that will support the future of work and learning while ensuring greater equality.
We believe the CV or social profile is no longer fit for purpose and that every individual can have the ability to access personalised L&D relevant to their career aspirations. We are passionate about diversity and ensure at the bedrock of all our solutions we are looking to make it a fairer playing field.
Our Skills Software products include
Skills Passport - Capturing skills and recommending individual learning paths
Skills Mapping - Visualisation of all skills data for impactful learning
Skills Matching - Discovering inclusive talent fast on skills first
For more information go to www.abodoo.com
Funding Innovation
Be invited to join a consortium where you can benefit from Skills funding to support your R&D. For more information you can book a Skills Funding call.
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