“Hope For Children” CRC Policy Center (HFC) is an Independent, International and Humanitarian Institution based in Nicosia, Cyprus with representation in other nine countries. HFC implements multifaceted humanitarian programs related to the promotion of children’s rights, prioritizing their wellbeing, their education and the prevention of any kind of violence against children, as well as providing psychosocial and legal support. At the same time, HFC also focuses on the implementation of European funded programs that involve research, capacity building for professionals and policy making on issues pertaining children's rights.
- Children’s House (Rehabilitation Center for Sexually Abused Children)
- Homes for Hope (private shelters for unaccompanied children)
- Foster Care Program under the legal guardianship of the Social Welfare Services.
- Non-formal Human Rights Education (HRE)
- Combating sexual violence against children in partnership with the Council of Europe
- "Beat Bullying" (www.hfcbeatbullying.info)
- National Helpline for Children and Families 1466
- European Hotline for Missing Children 116000 (www.call116000.org)
- European Helpline for Children and Adolescents 116111 (www.call116111.com)
- Social, psychological and legal support services to children, young people and their families
- Eradication of Child Poverty in Cyprus
- Child Law Clinic in collaboration with the University of Nicosia
- Child Abduction Alert (www.childalert.org.cy)
- European Projects