Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) Queensland is the professional association for public servants across Queensland and anyone interested or engaged in public purpose work.
IPAA’s mission is simple. We promote and enhance the professionalism, capability and integrity of public administration and pride in public service.
We do this through a strategic program of events and thought leadership forums that enable our members to build their connections, challenge their thinking and stay informed about topics and issues relevant to public purpose.
As a professional association, IPAA is uniquely positioned to bring people together from local, state and federal government and from private and not-for-profit organisations and universities who are engaged in public purpose work.
As an independent, apolitical organisation, IPAA provides a trusted platform for important discussions and debates.
IPAA is your professional association. Our priorities and agenda, shaped by your feedback, will prepare you for current and future challenges facing public administration. We will continue to evolve and look to expand our offerings in response to your interests and the ever-changing public sector landscape.
Becoming a member of IPAA Queensland demonstrates your personal commitment to your career and to the profession of public administration. Membership offers you exclusive development and networking opportunities and connects you with some of the most active and influential people engaged in public administration and public purpose.
If you’re a public servant or engaged in public purpose work, we encourage you to get to know and connect with IPAA Queensland.