Start Your Management Training Today!
Your SAM campus chapter is a working model of a real business organization. You will get hands-on experience making it work!
Your regular chapter activities will help you develop a wide array of managerial and leadership skills such as: goal setting, planning, organizing, controlling, project management, scheduling, prioritizing, budgeting, advertising, marketing, public relations, selling, fund-raising, and running productive meetings.
Why Wait Until You Graduate? Join SAM Now!
The Society:
Gives you a personal introduction to the practicing managers in your local community Exposes you to the most successful management techniques in current use Transforms textbook theories into practical applications Eases the transition from college to career Introduces you to other students who share your interests, concerns, and career objectives. Strengthens your resume with professional credential Moves your career on a faster track
The Competitive Edge
SAM’s Campus Chapter activities provide valuable forums for students in communities across the country. Get a realistic overview of the business world… valuable tips on resumes, interviewing, and more!
SAM travels with you throughout your professional career. Campus Membership gives you a head start in management training while you’re still in college. Associate Membership helps you make the transition from campus to career after you graduate. For two years after graduation, you may get all the privileges of Professional Membership for a special price. (A great way to keep up with the contacts you’ve made) Professional Membership enables you to continue your membership as a Professional Member.