Launched in September 2021, Nifty League is bringing competitive gaming to Web3. Players are able to compete and earn rewards in our ecosystem’s token, NFTL, which can be used to purchase in-game items and bonuses, trade with other players. At launch, we released our first game “Nifty Smashers,” a nostalgic, arcade-style brawler. We are building our community by developing additional games, characters, and items within the Niftyverse, an virtual world for Nifty League gamers.
Our founding team has a strong track record of building games at Activision and directing animated shows for Nickelodeon and Disney.
Nifty League is backed by RSE Ventures, Lerer Hippeau, VaynerFund (Gary and AJ Vaynerchuk), The Spartan Group, Avocado Guild, EVOS Esports, DraftKings Co-founder Matthew Kalish, and Gallery Media Group CEO Ryan Harwood, to name a few!