We’re on a mission to help young people everywhere explore and find their future careers. We are here to build the next generation workforce, and we believe this involves many stakeholders.
Starting with families and academic institutions, Nexgen guides parents and educators to support children in their transition to the future world of work. We provide resources, courses and community for parents and educators, so they can help children explore their career options and make informed decisions about their future.
We also work with learners, supporting them to develop the skills, mindset and network to succeed in their careers.
And finally, we are committed to creating a community of creative, curious, and innovative businesses that share our mission to shape the next generation of professionals, the Nexgen Workforce.
What’s the nexgen workforce?
The nexgen workforce is the people of the next-generation workforce who are enthused about the future of work and the changes it will bring, and they are eager to embrace them.
Our manifesto:
The Nexgen Workforce people are:
1. curious and optimistic about the future of work.
2. aware of their social and environmental footprint.
3. committed to creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce.
4. focused on building a career that brings them ethical financial security.
5. striving towards fulfilment in their career and life.
6. committed to helping and supporting others in career fulfilment.
7. digitally competent and willing to embrace technology.