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About Andreas Eckert
Andreas Eckert is Executive Producer at Apassionata World GmbH in berlin, berlin, germany. Previously worked at schauspielhaus wien as Head Of The Artistic Management Office. Apassionata World GmbH is a Entertainment Providers company in Kantstraße 24
Berlin, 10623, DE with 39 employees
Andreas Eckert Social
Andreas Eckert Work
Andreas Eckert is the Executive Producer @Apassionata World GmbH, with experience in Head Of The Artistic Management Office @schauspielhaus wien
Apassionata World GmbH stands for magical encounters between man and horse. A 20-year tradition of successful shows for the whole family has given rise to the popular European tour CAVALLUNA, the new children's format CAVALLUNA Kids and the SHOWPALAST MUNICH including the surrounding CAVALLUNA Park as an event location in the Bavarian capital. The horse shows produced by the company have already thrilled more than 10 million spectators throughout Europe.