Felix Schoeller was founded in 1895 and is headquartered in Osnabruck, Germany, with operations on a global scale, manufacturing specialist papers. With around 3.700 employees, over 535,000 tonnes of specialist papers were produced and sold in 2021. The renowned Osnabruck-based business recorded revenues of >1 billion euros in 2021. Felix Schoeller develops, manufactures and distributes specialist papers for photographic applications, digital printing systems, the packaging market, self-adhesive applications and for the furniture, wood, and carpet industries.
In addition to its headquarters location in Osnabruck, Felix Schoeller has manufacturing facilities at four other German locations in Weißenborn und Penig in Saxony, Titisee-Neustadt in Baden-Württemberg and Günzach in Bavaria. The Group has a total of 17 locations and is represented with these in 10 different countries.
We understand the importance of preserving the life we all know and treasure the moments that make a difference in our lives. That’s why we follow our vision to make life better through paper.
For more information visit our website felix-schoeller.com
Paper and Forest Product Manufacturing, Paper, packaging - manufacture, Paper & Cardboard - Finished Products, Paper & Cardboard, Photo Paper, Office Paper, Office & School Supplies
HQ Location
Osnabrück │Günzach │Neustadt │Penig │Weißenborn
Osnabrück, DE
sublimatiophoto paperecor paperrelease linerigital photoigital printing paperphotographicsigital printing of decor paperpackagingspecialty paper