Our vision is to become the most reliable source for green jobs, green candidates and development of green skills through training and qualification in the entire CEE region.
Green Academy mission is to provide skills and knowledge for emerging sectors in green and clean industries, as well professional development and qualification for green jobs and new employment opportunities for current and emerging market needs.
We value innovation, sustainability, partnership, personal development, ethics, entrepreneurship
The company's objectives are to cover different target groups from youngsters to adults in order to educate, train, develop and help them find the skills needed for successful professional integration in the new economy that has strong focus on sustainable growth and efficient use of all natural and economic resources.
Green Academy is an organization for professional training and development of key knowledge and skills required to meet the needs of the rapidly growing "green" economy and provides access to workshops, seminars and trainings for key competences and vocational training courses in the field of clean and green technologies.
Green Academy is a joined project of Cleantech Bulgaria and InnerLook. The Academy brings together the expertise of professionals in the fields human resources, transfer of innovative "green" technologies and practices, corporate social responsibility and sustainable models for environmental protection.