End Antisemitism is a community of people who are committed to fighting against antisemitism in all its forms. We believe that antisemitism is a form of hatred and bigotry that has no place in our society. We are committed to educating the public about antisemitism, challenging antisemitic stereotypes and prejudices, and advocating for policies that protect Jewish people from discrimination and violence.
We are a diverse community of people from all walks of life. We are united by our shared commitment to fighting against antisemitism and building a more just and equitable world for all.
Why We Exist
Antisemitism is one of the oldest and most persistent forms of hatred in the world. It is a form of bigotry that targets Jewish people because of their religion, ethnicity, or identity. Antisemitism can take many forms, from subtle microaggressions to overt violence.
We believe that antisemitism is a serious problem that must be addressed. That's why we created End Antisemitism: to provide a platform for people to come together and fight against antisemitism in all its forms.
What We Do
End Antisemitism is a community of people who are committed to taking action against antisemitism. Here are some of the things we do:
Educate the public about antisemitism: We provide educational resources and programs that teach people about antisemitism, its history, and its impact on Jewish people.
Challenge antisemitic stereotypes and prejudices: We work to challenge antisemitic stereotypes and prejudices in the media, in our schools, and in our communities.
Advocate for policies that protect Jewish people from discrimination and violence: We work to advocate for policies that protect Jewish people from discrimination and violence, both in the United Kingdom and around the world.