Mi smo računovodstveni servis Unija. Međunarodna smo računovodstvena kompanija koju odlikuju visokokvalitetne računovodstvene i konsultantske usluge i napredna IT rešenja. Naša misija je da obezbedimo dugoročan uspeh i rast naših klijenata i zaposlenih. Zbog toga su naše kolege vrhunski stručnjaci u svojim oblastima, a redovnom, sistematskom obukom brinemo da tako i ostane.
Mi radimo svoj posao da bi naši klijneti mogli da se posvete svom poslu.
Trudimo se da promovišemo promene na bolje. Delima, primerom, strašću. U sredini u kojoj živimo i radimo, u društvu, u svetu.
Unija Smart Accounting is an international accounting house offering high-quality services in the field of accounting, consulting, and advanced IT solutions. Our mission is to ensure the long-term success and growth of our customers.
We do our business so they can do theirs. Our colleagues are top experts in their fields, and with regular, systematic training, we make sure it stays that way.
We do our business so they can do theirs.
We strive to promote change for the better. With actions, with example, with passion. In the environment in which we live and work, in society, and in the world.