NMAFC was founded in 2006 by a circle of Asian women who came together to address the lack of culturally and linguistically tailored services for the state's Pan-Asian community. Having started by providing counseling and case management services in a house, NMAFC has now grown to include survivor led and centered services, programs centering traditional methods of healing, youth and community leadership programs, financial education workshops, cross-racial movement building,and civic engagement work.
We believe the solutions to our issues lie within the deep wisdom and experiences of our communities, and that our organizational We believe that we are stronger together, and that everyone should have access to culturally tailored care. Our trained staff members are multilingual in languages such as Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Nepali, Filipino, Dari, and Farsi. For other languages, we bring in trained community interpreters or utilize phone interpretation so that clients can receive the best care in the language they are most comfortable.
We offer individual and family counseling, legal consultation and representation, general navigation services, yoga and body work for survivors, and warm referrals to trusted agencies to qualified individuals. All of our services offered in-house are provided free of charge. Although our services are open to everyone, our offerings are tailored to those who identify as Asian, Pacific Islander, and Native Hawaiian (APINH).
Our programs help to further our mission and are led by those most impacted by the work. We invest in leadership programs for youth, parents and child caregivers, and victims and survivors of violence; engage in year-round civic engagement work that increases representation of APINH immigrant, refugee, and American citizen voices; provide financial education workshops; and provide a monthly gathering for young women, gender non-conforming, and non-binary folks identifying as APINH through Tea Talks.
Civic and Social Organizations
HQ Location
PO Box 37346
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87176, US
Counseling and case managementSurvivor-led and centered servicesTraditional methods of healingYouth and community leadership programsCross-racial movement buildingCivic engagement workFinancial educationMultilingual servicesCulturally tailored care
Individual and family counselingLegal consultation and representationGeneral navigation servicesYoga and body work for survivorsWarm referrals to trusted agenciesFinancial education workshopsTea Talks monthly gatherings
Sexual AssaultDomestic ViolenceCulturally TailoreInterpretatioTranslatioNavigatioResourcesFamily ProgrammingYouth ProgrammingTrauma-Informe