Alianza Biohealth distributes innovative laboratory testing especially designed to identify the underlying metabolic, nutritional and immunological imbalances correlated with the treatment and prevention of chronic conditions.
Once the imbalances (the underlying factors of disease) are identified the medical professional can determine treatments based on the nutritional, metabolic, immunologic and genetic individuality of the patient, rather than on his/her symptoms.
Our testing contributes to improving the quality of life of patients affected by chronic, mental health and degenerative disorders. We offer a line of genetic tests in the areas of nutrigenomics and epigenetics which can detect imbalances, mutations and risk factors that could contribute to the development of cancer, cardiovascular conditions or other diseases.
Alianza Biohealth represents some of the most renowned laboratories in the areas of functional, integrative, orthomolecular, nutritional, environmental, precision, holistic, biomedical and antiaging medicine:
ARMINLABS - Infections originating from bacteria or viruses.
TEZTED - Innovating diagnosis of tick-borne diseases.
GENEPLANET - Preventive genetic testing.
RGCC - Genetic and pharmacogenomics tests for cancer.
Our Latin American division represents the following labs:
TELETEST - Dysbiosis, integrative and environmental medicine.
US BIOTEK - Comprehensive food allergy and sensitivity tests.
KUDZU SCIENCES - Environmental toxins, plastics and heavy metals.
ZRT - Hormone and neurotransmitters.