The acclaimed Tennis School was originated in 1996 by Tennis Professional, Chris Folker.
We are located in the Hilton Village 10km North of the Provinces Capital, Pietermaritzburg.
The tennis school has achieved outstanding success developing junior and senior tennis players in the KZN Midlands region.
Our School offers the following Coaching Programmes:
# School programmes at the elite schools in the surrounding area making use of world class facilities (both indoors and open court)
# Private and group lessons from the complete beginner through to the aspiring Junior tennis professional
# Holiday and High Performance clinics
# Various tournaments during the year
# Development tennis & ball skills programmes in the local communities supported by our Sponsors and Partners
CF tennis aims at providing professional, modern tennis instruction for schools and individuals alike.
We aim to make a difference in the lives of children and adults through tennis as a sport. By exposing players to compete within themselves as well as with their peers in a safe and healthy lifestyle environment, we play our part in developing a stronger nation and South Africa.
We’re committed in growing the sport in our community, and strongly believe in building on and nurturing strong, healthy family values.
Tennis is a fantastic life skill.