We talk and read a lot these days about how recruiters should start thinking like marketers but are there tools that actually allow recruiters to do that. Most of the traditional analytics platforms are not built with recruitment at the focus. If we talk about the advertising platforms like Facebook, Adwords or DSP’s they are way too complex for regular marketers so let’s forget about recruiters using them. This is why we built Recroup, which is an advertising technology company at heart with a focus on recruitment.
Recroup is the first ever job retargeting platform that allows employers to drive back the 90% of the candidates that did not complete the job application on their first visit.
Employers spend an enormous amount of money on job advertising and bring traffic to their career pages but it is a sad reality that over 90% of that traffic does not convert and employers do not have enough tools to re-engage those candidates after they leave the job page. Recroup retargeting platform allows employers to re-engage interested candidates and bring them back to the job by showing jobs in form of ads on sites like Facebook or a regular website. With retargeting employers can directly increase their engagement with candidates outside the career site and increase conversion.
Advertising without data is incomplete, this is why Recroup provides very deep insight about how candidates are engaging with employer career website. With Recroup audience dashboard, employers can view how their career site is functioning and where they are dropping candidates.