We have been around since 2001 because we believe in community inclusion for vulnerable and socially excluded groups.
We have come a long way since then and we have become involved in many different projects and have left a humanistic and pragmatic mark.
Our Vision
To be an organisation of excellence by promoting the inclusion of people in vulnerable situations, into the community.
Our Mission
By working together, we promote health, harm reduction and the inclusion of these people by acting within the community.
É UMA RUA West and East Lisbon;
É UMA RUA Lisbon South Central;
É UMA CASA, Lisbon Housing First;
Drop In Espaço Âncora;
NO Border;
Ready To Work;
GIP - Professional Insertion Office.
More info: crescer.org/ and facebook.com/crescer.org/
Bairro Quinta do Cabrinha
Loja 3 EF
Lisboa, Alcântara 1300-906, PT
Redução de Riscos e Minimização de DanosHousing FirstIntervenção com Pessoas Sem-AbrigoIntervenção com Requerentes de AsíloIntervenção com RefugiadosPsicologiaServiço SocialRefugeeshomeless peopleharm reduction