Financial difficulties, whether personal or business related, cause a great deal of stress. People tend to put their head down and think that by working harder and longer they will get through their financial problems. Sometimes this may work.
Sometimes taking stock and evaluating options is what is required.
This is how Bretts Business Recovery can help. You share with us the financial problems you are experiencing in a confidential, no obligation meeting. Bretts Business Recovery provides you with information on the options available to you and our recommendation on what we consider is best for you.
“If only we had sought advice earlier” is a phrase we hear far too often for our liking.
There may be solutions other than Liquidation and bankruptcy, solutions that cause less hardship for you, your staff and/or your family. Alternatively liquidation or bankruptcy may allow you to wipe the slate clean and start again. Bretts Business Recovery can help.
Please call us on: 01474 532862 Bretts Business Recovery have offices in Kent & Essex
Accounting, Insolvency and bankruptcy information services, Financial and insurance services, Business Services, Credit reporting and debt recovery/collection
HQ Location
21 Highfield Road
Dartford, Kent DA1 2JS, GB
Company Voluntary Arrangements (CVA)Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA)AdministrationsMembers Voluntary Liquidations (MVL)Creditors Voluntary Liquidations (CVL)and Bankruptcy