CMHA Toronto, a branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association, is the city’s leading community mental health agency. We provide accessible, quality care for people in Toronto through programs and services, research, and advocacy.
At CMHA Toronto, we take a client-first, recovery-oriented approach to supporting people and their families when they experience mental health challenges or live with mental illness.
By integrating health and social care, we provide services that aid in long-term wellness including housing, employment, community connections and so much more. Our community-based programming means we can partner with clients to support all aspects of their wellbeing: mental, physical, financial, emotional and spiritual.
Our goal? Help everyone thrive in the community.
At CMHA Toronto, we celebrate the diversity that makes up Toronto's cultural fabric and commit to serving all members of the community. Our doors are open to provide community-based mental health support to individuals and their families from all races, cultures, religions, gender identities and expressions, sexual orientations, abilities, and ages - at every stage of their mental health journey.
From supporting individuals experiencing a mental health crisis to providing tools that support day-to-day mental health or mental health promotion, when people need support in Toronto, we’re here to help create belonging and hope.