Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp), under the Ministry of Human Resources is the national agency that drives Malaysia’s talent strategy towards becoming a dynamic and market-driven talent hub. To achieve this, we partner with the public and private sectors to implement initiatives that attract, nurture and retain the right expertise needed to meet talent demands of today and in the future. Our market-driven programmes are focused on building Malaysia’s talent pipeline, mobilising and connecting talent to opportunities, and diversifying Malaysia’s talent pool by influencing workplace policies.
Our signature initiatives include: Returning Expert Programme, Residence-Pass Talent, National Structured Internship Programme (MySIP), mynext, Critical Occupations List (MyCOL), Young Employable Students (YES!), Career Comeback Programme, and MyASEAN Internship among others.
Website: www.talentcorp.com.my
Read our stories: www.talentmatters.my
We are also on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram: @TalentCorpMsia