The Southern African Music Rights Organisation (SAMRO) is a leading regional copyright administration business, dealing primarily with the administration of music Performing Rights on behalf of composers, authors, lyricists and publishers.
SAMRO’s primary role is to administer copyright in music creators’ and publishers’ intellectual property (i.e. their Performing Rights). It does so by licensing and collecting licence fees from music users (such as television and radio broadcasters, live music venues, retailers, restaurants and shopping centres) and distributing royalties to music creators.
For the past 60 years, SAMRO has built a solid legacy of supporting musicians in South Africa through a variety of corporate social investment (CSI) programmes. The organisation also boosts the local music industry by hosting regular seminars and workshops, and supporting conferences to help foster and develop creativity across all categories and genres of music.
The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) has voted SAMRO as Africa's leading Collective Management Organisation (CMO) and the third most endorsed organisation amongst other CMO’s, cementing its position of being the most admired and respected African CMO by the global community and members.
SAMRO is committed to being a world-class African copyright administration business that upholds the highest standards of corporate governance, business ethics and management in its quest to make a valuable and lasting contribution to the lives of its members and to the music industry in general.