A to Z Speech Therapy is a private practice in the Brooklyn Heights area dedicated to evaluating and treating children of all ages with mild to severe speech and language issues. We are a child-friendly environment, where all children are accepted for who they are and feel comfortable being themselves. A to Z Speech Therapy has been changing children’s lives for the better since it was founded by Allyson Weinstein-Rosen in 2003.
A to Z Speech Therapy follows a whole child approach, which allows us to help lay the foundation of learning and build skills that children need to do on their own. Our therapy will create a positive environment along with support to create successful outcomes and long-term opportunities.
At A to Z Speech Therapy, our goal is to provide every child with an individualized treatment plan to best serve your child's specific needs. This begins with a comprehensive evaluation or consultation through standardized testing, observations, and parent or professional reports. We will assess your child's specific areas of need and create a unique treatment plan in order to help your child succeed.
Our services include evaluation and treatment of:
- Articulation and Phonological Disorders
- Receptive and Expressive Language Delays
- Language and Learning Disorders
- Oral Motor and Feeding Disorders
- Social Skills and Pragmatic Language Disorders
- Reading and Writing Deficits
- Auditory Processing Deficits
- Word Retrieval Difficulties
- Fluency Disorders (Stuttering)
- Voice Disorders
We also provide classroom observations and therapy sessions at local schools and proudly collaborate with teachers and other specialists.
We are certified providers of FastForWord, a Scientific Learning Corporation trademark, which involves intensive computer based therapy to address memory, attention, processing, and sequencing skills essential for reading and learning.