Scarborough Women's Centre empowers women to become economically and emotionally independent for future success and to strengthen their local communities. The Centre delivers programs and services to promote positive change for women in a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment. This unique resource centre is a non-profit, charitable organization (#10795-9660-RR0001). Women from all walks of life, economic situations, ethno-racial backgrounds and ages use the Centre. Many deal with issues related to poverty, isolation, abuse, emotional health and newcomer integration. We provide information, education, counselling and support services to assist women in the transition to economic and emotional independence. With these supports, women can make brighter futures for themselves and their families.
Volunteer opportunities include: Board and committee membership, mentoring, tutoring, workshop host. Orientation and training are provided. Special projects include: Young Women's Outreach, and Empowering Women with Disabilities.
Thanks to our major funders for making these services available: The Province of Ontario, City of Toronto, Mackenzie Financial Charitable Foundation, Royal LePage Shelter Foundation, Johansen-Larsen Foundation Ontario Realtors Care Foundation.
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