Data business solutions Ltd. is a leading Slovenian company in field of business support.
Doing business in Slovenia is the perfect choice once you decide to expand or relocate your business to the European Union (EU). Slovenia is one of the safest countries in the EU. It boasts a vibrant, modern and welcoming capital city. Slovenia is perfectly located at the busy European junction between East and West. Besides all that Slovenia offers a friendly environment to foreign businesses, low taxation of profits and virtually untaxed property ownership.
Our team of 45 highly skilled professionals supports foreign citizens with company establishement:
• comprehensive assistance and free company registration in Slovenia
• accounting services
• tax consultancy and the acquisition of Slovenian tax numbers
• legal and business consultation
• virtual office and business address
• support with business incorporation in Slovenia
• obtaining work and residence permits
• assistance in employing personnel
• help with family reunification
• aid with adapting to life in Slovenia.
V večkrat nagrajenem podjetju Data podjetnikom in bodočim podjetnikom na enem mestu nudimo vsa znanja in informacije za zagon in poslovanje podjetja.
Na e-VEM točki Data v Ljubljani lahko hitro in brezplačno registrirate d.o.o. ali s.p., rezervirate ime svojega bodočega podjetja in dodajate poslovne dejavnosti.
Vabimo vas k udeležbi na različnih koristnih podjetniških izobraževanjih, številna so brezplačna.
Naša izkušena ekipa strokovno svetuje na vseh področjih, povezanih z delovanjem podjetja. Celovita podpora podjetjem obsega računovodske storitve, pravno svetovanje ter svetovanje na področju davkov, računovodstva in kadrov.
Posvet posebno priporočamo delodajalcem. Pravna pomoč vam zagotavlja rešitve iz številnih delovno-pravnih zagat. Svetujemo tudi glede pogodbenih razmerij in pripravimo ustrezne pogodbe. Z našo pomočjo boste ob obisku vsakega inšpektorja brez skrbi.
Z nami nikoli niste sami!
Financial Services, Business Consultancy, Business Services, Legal counselling, Call/contact centre operators, Postal services, telecommunications, radio and television, Leisure & Tourism, Telecommunications services