David and Michelle Lewis formed taggartGALT in 2002. Ayn Rand’s nineteen fifty-seven novel, Atlas Shrugged, formed the foundation of the company’s mission and values back then and continue to influence their thinking and processes today.
Rational thought, creativity and objectivism are a perfect tie in for the specialized tax consulting that taggartGALT does with successful, privately held companies and wealthy individuals.
taggartGALT acts as a conduit between the legal and chartered accounting communities. taggartGALT has developed an independent external advisory board that gives David and Michelle the opportunity to hand select the most appropriate and qualified advisors for any given client situation. The selection process is a function of both qualitative and quantitative measures (e.g. right blend of personality and expertise).
The specialists selected in each one of these areas has the ability to not only create tailored solutions for the client, but they also have the attributes allowing them to work in an efficient manner with the rest of the clients advisory team.