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About Alice Vacani
Alice Vacani is Vice President at Blackbrook Capital in London, England, United Kingdom. Previously worked at Blackbrook Capital as Senior Associate. Blackbrook Capital is a Investment Management company in 72 Welbeck Street
London, England W1G 0AY, GB with 7 employees
“Investing in future-proof supply chain infrastructure”
Blackbrook is a specialist investor focusing on mission-critical real estate across Europe through the acquisition of Net Lease assets, sustainable Sale-Leaseback and Build to Suit transactions and Logistics Development projects.
Blackbrook’s sector focus and specialism includes: logistics, warehousing, light manufacturing/industrial, cold storage and convenience retail alongside strategic investments in life sciences, IOS, data centres, recycling, and R&D.
As of May 1, 2024, Blackbrook is part of Cain International, a privately held investment firm operating in Europe and the US. Cain International Advisers Limited is the firm’s asset management and investment advisory division, and is an SEC-registered investment adviser and an appointed representative of Langham Hall Fund Management LLP, which is authorised and regulated by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority. Blackbrook Capital is not regulated by the SEC or the FCA.