The Allerton Project researches the effects of different farming methods on wildlife and the environment, sharing results of our research through advisory and educational activities. This is undertaken on our 320 hectare demonstration farm based in Leicestershire, United Kingdom.
We identify management that delivers multiple benefits for our rural landscape. Our work covers natural capital accounting, agri-environment schemes and regenerative farming systems. From soil and water, to woodland and environmental habitat that increases biodiversity, our aim is to build farmland resilience. Our own research team collaborate with other research organisations and help co-supervise numerous PhD and MSc projects.
Visitors to the project include businesses, policy makers, non-government organisations, regulators, farmers, advisors, students and schools. We have several initiatives that involve the local community to help improve a shared understanding of agricultural and environmental issues.
Commercial farming and environmental rejuvenation will be successful with considered policy and interventions from those that manage our countryside. In essence, the Allerton Project is an award winning, pioneering blueprint for future rural landscapes.