We are One Care, the GP federation that represents and supports practices in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG). Established in 2014, we have approximately 80 member practices across the area who provide healthcare for around 1 million patients.
We support our practices with many different aspects of running their businesses through our Practice Support Team. This includes finance, business intelligence and IT. We also support practices with holding contracts for delivery of additional services to their patients, such as Improved Access. Our second important role is working closely with our practices to amplify their voice in discussions and decisions about the delivery of healthcare in our area, through our newly established GP Collaborative Board (GPCB). Additionally, we’re always looking for opportunities that support new models of care and innovation within practice. Finally, we use our general practice expertise to work with partners from outside our sector or local area. Any funding we generate from this work goes back into the services we provide for our member practices.
We are a Community Interest Company and our Board is made up of 12 nominated and elected voting directors who are all GPs or Practice Managers from practices in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
We were borne out of One Care Consortium, an organisation set up in 2014 to bid to the national GP Access Fund to help improve access to general practice and stimulate innovative ways of providing primary care services. When the programme ended, we set up as a new organisation (with BNSSG practices as our shareholders).
For more information visit our website.