At LearningWorks we help learning work - kia hāngai te ako.
We design, develop and deliver learning. He whakairo, he whakatū, he whakaputa akoranga.
Resources | Rauemi. Training | Mahi Whakangungu. Technology | Hangarau.
We do this through:
Learning Design: create learning resources.
Training: provide training.
Learning Technologies: develop learning platforms.
Our philosophies are to:
Connect learning to learners: Quality learning that makes it easy for organisations and learners to access the right information at the right time.
Create and enable better learner experiences: Learning that is needed today supports ongoing success for tomorrow’s world. We advocate for the learners to create and enable better learner experiences.
Work with you, not just for you: Through strong partnerships, we are an extension of your organisation. We are the Robin to our partners Batman.
Not just do everyday training: Learners will be able to apply what they learn. Application of learning will encompass skills, behaviours and attitudes that can be seen in the workplace.
Promote ako: Shared knowledge and responsibility of learning from teaching, learners, resources and peer-to-peer interactions.
We look forward to partnering with you.