The Social Value Accounting group provides informational support to organisations looking to demonstrate the true value and impact their activities have on their communities and constituents that isn’t measures by traditional accounting practices.
We believe pricing social value, (a non-market goods and services) through financial proxy valuation techniques, in addition to traditional financial reporting, completes the knowledge base missing in today’s decision making.
We bring evidence-based practises to report on the Social Impact your organisation creates in mainstream financial reporting we call Social Value Accounting.
The end game must begin somewhere and if it’s the beginning for your organisation, then our methodology and process will help you with your social value evidence-based journey.
o Plan to Understand
o Do the work to measure what matters
o Review with a view to value
o Assess and reassess
Social Value Accounting is the process of tracking activity relating to each project undertaken by an organisation and evaluating and measuring the impact those outcomes have on your constituents in dollar terms.
And it’s important to remember that Social Value Accounting is still accounting.
There are two ways in which the today’s financial statements are incomplete.
Non-financial transaction such as the value of free helpline services manned by volunteers are not reported in traditional accounting systems.
Assumptions that buyers and sellers correctly price goods and services with complete knowledge of the costs and benefits associated with making informed and rational decisions.
Social Value Accounting accounts for these omissions and prepares an additional set of financial statements which place a dollar value on the outcomes your organisation delivers.
We bring the language of funding, investing and financial accountability to your social value programmes.