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Work Experience
Director Of Programs
Apr 2013 - Present · 11 years and 8 months
tailored cuisines
Owner And Chief Executive Officer
2009 - 2012 · 3 years
Fundraising And Partnerships Manager
2008 - 2009 · 1 years
Company Details
A dynamic women’s entrepreneurial development program, Empowered Women International creates social empowerment and economic opportunity for immigrant, refugee and American-born women who face challenging economic and personal circumstances in the greater Washington, DC, metropolitan area. As of September 30th, we have merged to become a program of the Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC). LEDC is a community-based economic development organization that equips Latinos and other DC, MD, VA, and Puerto Rico residents of low to moderate income with the skills and financial tools to build a better future for their families and community. Empowered Women International (EWI), a program of LEDC, empowers women in the Greater DC area facing economic and social challenges – including immigrants, refugees, and American-born women – to become economically mobile, financially stable and socially engaged. EWI offers a holistic model of empowerment through entrepreneurship and workforce training, mentoring, access to markets and capital, and highly individualized support services that remove women from unemployment and isolation, restore their lives and livelihoods and help them reach their fullest potential. Since its inception in 2002, EWI has helped more than 5,000 women overcome the barriers to meaningful employment, transform their own lives and contribute to their communities. The organization has launched more than 400 women’s micro-enterprises of which over 70% are still in existence. Each year EWI serves more than 400 women. This investment in women results in a powerful multiplier effect. Each woman graduate of our program pays it forward through her own business networking, community engagement and volunteer work, impacting the lives of many others in the community and around the world.
Year Founded
Social Media
Civic and Social Organizations
HQ Location
1401 Columbia Rd NW C-1 Washington, District of Columbia 20009, US
female empowermentcareer counseling and developmentmarket readinessbusiness trainingmicro-enterprisebusiness coaching and mentoringrt promotioimmigrant and refugee assimilatio
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