Caspian Offshore Construction LLP (COC) is a leading provider of marine fleet operation and management services in the Northern Caspian. COC is a 100% private Kazakhstani entity with quarters in Bautino, Aktau and Almaty;
Today COC owns the fleet of 23 vessels including five new build ships of ICE CLASS 1B and five new build shallow draft icebreaking tugboats of ICE CLASS 1A Super;
At present COC manages the total fleet of 46 vessels, including 16 vessels belonging to agip kco;
Company revenue have demonstrated steady growth and had increased twenty times since 2005, when COC commenced their operation. Annual revenue of 2012 is USD 134.0 Mil.;
Total number of personnel currently employed by the Company is 611 staff including 447 marine crews. As of 2012 results 70% of all crews are Kazakhstani mariners. Senior crew turnover recorded at app. 4.0 %;
Company fleet is certified in accordance with ISM Code, while Company’s Quality and Environmental Management System s are approved and certified by Moody International as compliant with ISO 9001-2008 and ISO 14001:2004 standards accordingly..