Steered by the directing duo, Alex Iwanoff and Jhonathan Barrera, Orbitae specializes in bringing out-of-the-ordinary stories to the screen, enhanced with a dash of VFX magic. With over a decade of intenational experience in crafting moving images, our directing and post-production studio is technology agnostic.
Our strength lies in identifying the optimal blend of live action, visual effects, animation and artificial intelligence. To do this, we curate dedicated teams to ideate, shoot, edit and post-produce films.
Our creative method thrives on exploration, outside-the-box thinking and, you know, having fun! Always curious, we explore both contemporary and classic filmmaking techniques, which fuel our in-house short films and myriad other projects.
All in all, we direct and post-produce ads, music videos and short films for the rebels and daydreamers out there.