Our collaborative, inter-departmental Business Continuity Planning and Training programs prepare you for most events.
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
Determine what Hazards may impact your organization. Power outage, staff shortage, seasonal weather, some may be of greater importance than others. Many are not obvious.
Impact Analysis
What can a hazard actually do? Are there any areas that are particularly vulnerable? How much down time can any given area afford? Is there one specific person or process that if not there, everything comes to a screeching halt?
Practical Plans
What can be done about this? There are almost always many alternatives. When a course of action is determined it is important to make it useful, approachable, and not let it collect dust on a shelf.
Testing and Exercising
The solution sounds great, hopefully is goes exactly as planned. Best not to find out there are issues during an actual event though. Plans and solutions can usually be tested in a safe environment and improved to be made better.