We are doing automotive analytics since 2016 through our cloud platform, helping OEMs/Distributors/Dealers/Exporters/Classifieds/ to improve their business through:
1. Individual market segmentation => tune the market as of your needs
2. Unified pro-level catalog with equipment list of 400+ features => sweet spot with enough details to control your product
3. Virtual cars to check price positioning => see if the car fits the market before launch
4. Value analysis => tune the value sets as of your needs
5. Prices & incentives => control your pricing/marketing activities
6. Sales volume module, price ladder, price history etc => track the market opportunities
7. Business Monitor => increase the speed of decision making process and earn more
8. News digest with up to 100 news per day on market topics => multi-lang local/global news digest for you and your foreign colleagues in brief format
9. Inventory control => make your business more efficient, order safely/ see the weak/strong cars
10. Improved customer experience at dealerships => enrich your digital/in-person showroom with pro-level equipment standard, ease the customer's step to leave contacts, close the deal via digital commercial offers
Now we process data on 11 markets from Europe, CIS, Asia. And make it available via the same handy tool.
Let's have a talk!