Catalina Games is a startup video game development company, founded late 2011 by Alex McPhearson, and is based in Pittsburgh, PA. Catalina Games currently develops HTML5 web games and downloadable titles for PC, with future plans to expand to Apple, Mobile, and home gaming devices. The Catalina Games Volunteer Program offers college credit and industry experience to students from the Applied Computer Graphics department at CSU Chico, primarily those associated with Chico State Game Studios. It also offers industry experience to Chatham University students as well as individuals from the game development community worldwide. The Catalina Games launch title is currently under development, a platformer/puzzle game influenced by Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences, with plans for a downloadable web release sometime in 2014-15. Be sure to like Catalina Games on Facebook! If you are interested in volunteering with Catalina Games, available Spring 2014 volunteer positions can be found at Questions? Comments? Please email for more information.