AES Trading International is your ideal trading partner for the sale of your premium brand FMCG products. These include toiletries, cosmetics, household cleaning products, oral hygiene products, skin care products, and body care products.
Over the years, AES has built a worldwide network in which client relations are paramount. Close communication with its partners enables AES to act quickly. We are a leading player in the market, and we constantly respond to worldwide market developments.
Worldwide sales
AES has an expansive worldwide network of clients, which means you can safely sell your products on a large scale outside the regular market. We mainly operate in the following regions: Europe (including Eastern Europe), North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Our clients are discount retailers, brokers, wholesalers, ethnic markets, ship chandlers, expat communities, military bases, shopkeepers and market traders.
Selling through alternative channels
We sell your products outside of your regular distribution channels, without disrupting them. There are several reasons why you might want to opt for this:
Surplus stocks
Such as overstocks, clearance stocks, bulk offers, old promotional stocks, returned products, stocks with limited shelf life or with specific packaging.
Export outside of the EU
AES is specialised in doing business with export areas such as North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. You can take advantage of AES' expertise and experience in these areas.
Freeing up storage
Making space for new stocks
Scaling up
You simply want to generate more turnover.
Tapping into new markets
You have a product that does not sell well in your regular distribution channels, and want to see if it will perform better in other channels, so-called non-performing inventories.
Protection of your name and distribution network
We recognise the necessity to protect the producers' brands. We will carefully discuss and consider where the products can be sold, in order to ensure that the regular market will not be disrupted. This includes the choice of country or any restrictions you may want, such as a promotion ban. We have many years of experience with the sale of brand name products via the grey channel and know the subtleties of this business better than anyone. We use the ‘know your customer’ approach. Our sales team travels the entire world to personally meet with (potential) clients. Transparency towards our clients is one of our key values, which enables us to guarantee reliability.
We have developed long-lasting partnerships with our suppliers and we carefully maintain them. Our organisational structure is flexible and flat, which allows us to act quickly.
Worldwide sales
AES has an extensive worldwide network of clients. We mainly operate in the following regions: Europe (including Eastern Europe), North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Our clients are discount retailers, brokers, wholesalers, ethnic markets, ship chandlers, expat communities, military bases, shopkeepers, and market traders.
AES' very own commercial team travels the world to develop and maintain contact with our partners. That is why we know what you need. We can advise you on different topics, such as logistics, product range, and packaging.
The market requires us to act fast and we are prepared for that. Our very flexible team enables you to act quickly as well.
Would you like to become our partner?
We are always looking for new partners around the world. Are you interested in premium brand FMCG goods? Feel free to contact us and send an e-mail to info@aesinternational.eu