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About Alexander Assmann
Alexander Assmann is Chief Operating Officer at GreenDice in Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia. Previously worked at as Information Technology Specialist. GreenDice is a Business Consulting and Services company in Aia 3
City Centre, Harjumaa 10111, EE with 7 employees
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Alexander Assmann Work
Alexander Assmann is the Chief Operating Officer @GreenDice, with experience in Information Technology Specialist
GreenDice is a company focusing on the sustainable lifecycle management of IT equipment ranging from Personal Computers to workstations to laptops and monitors. Our mission is to provide IT tools to our worldwide community members who can subscribe for 5,9€ per month.
Currently, we have a new generation of computers coming out every year. Since the majority of businesses try to get top-of-the-line equipment for their employees, the older equipment is either resold or discarded. While we wish to measurably reduce the environmental impact we want to link the oversupply to our community. To whom we popularize computers as a tool to educate yourself and inspire people to develop through the stories from the members of GreenDice.
Right now computers are treated as consumables. They are manufactured, used, and then discarded before they have reached the end of their life.
If you are excited about what we are doing then please reach out to us, to partner up.