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About Alex Wessel
Alex Wessel is Communications Manager at Uras Techno America in 2828 CLINTON AVE
CLEVELAND, OH 44113-2998, US. Previously worked at Interac as Assistant Language Teacher. Uras Techno America is a Automation Machinery Manufacturing company in 2828 CLINTON AVE
CLEVELAND, OH 44113-2998, US with 11 employees
Alex Wessel Social
Alex Wessel Work
Alex Wessel is the Communications Manager @Uras Techno America, with experience in Assistant Language Teacher @Interac
With over 900,000 units shipped, the Uras Vibrator is used in a multitude of industries around the world, from advanced materials to mineral resources, from cities to deserts and seas. In addition to general-purpose vibrators, the Uras lineup includes high-frequency, flange-mount, and increased-safety models of all sizes, over 100 models in total.