Anlance Protection, Ltd. specializes in providing full time armed and unarmed security staff and patrol services for private homes or business, commercial and industrial clientele. In business since 1991, Anlance Protection has the experience and expertise you can expect. Let the professionals at Anlance Protection customize any security services to meet your protection needs.
Our stringent professional orientation has resulted in numerous accomplishments including:
Being brought in for over a dozen workplace terminations of concern
We are often the 'bodyguards' of choice and have protected the likes of:
VIP Tri Media Carrie Eles
VIP Alec Baldwin, Jamie Fox, Laura Dern, Helen Hunt at the Down Syndrome Fundraiser in Denver
VIP Comedian Nick Swardson at Fort Collins' Lincoln Center
VIP Comedian Lewis Black at the Lincoln Center in Fort Collins
Our Uniformed Security Team has seen patrol growth from 500 checks per week in 2012 up to 1100 patrols in 2014.
Enhanced Service Offerings now include:
Alarm Response
We're always connected and techologically proficient. Reports are automated, security duty is scheduled on line, locations are GPS tracked. We pursue ways to improve our already high standards of customer support and confidentiality. Our development of Zero Presence Training Methods is just one example of security sensitivity from the top down. Barry Wilson, our CEO, is the Director of Education for Executive Security International and with his guidance we have developed and expanded classes for clients and employees alike on topics like:
Workplace Violence Protection
Personal Travel Security
Staff Security Awareness