ABA Executive provides professional, world-class executive recruitment services to companies in all sectors located both in the UK and internationally. The business specialises in delivering clients' most complicated, challenging and critical projects via the application of a proven rigorous methodology.
Services include:
Executive Search:
Drawing upon extensive role interrogation, candidate research and engagement, ABA Executive identifies and secures the most suitable and talented people wherever they may currently work and whether they are actively seeking a new role or not.
Succession Planning & Research Projects:
Creating succession planning strategies, including the management of internal employees, the identification of external talent and the benchmarking of each against the other, as well as undertaking the research that provides clients with detailed insight in respect to candidate availability, etc.
1,000+ recruitment projects delivered
ABA Executive has delivered in excess of 1,000 executive recruitment projects.
330+ companies
ABA Executive has delivered executive recruitment projects for over 330 different hiring organisations.
Service rated 4.8/5 by candidates
Against multiple aspects of their experience, candidates rate ABA Executive 4.8/5.
40+ countries
ABA Executive has delivered recruitment projects on 6 continents in more than 40 countries. This includes particular experience across the UK, Europe, the Middle East and North America.