TEC Systems Engineering S.r.l. was born from the experience of the founding members: engineers committed with passion and success in the field of ICT and Traffic Systems. Since 2007 it has developed and grown thanks to the partnership and continuous exchange with the La Semaforica Group, national leader in traffic and traffic light regulation systems, of which it becomes the exclusive partner for the development of Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Thanks to the vast experience gained in the international field, TEC Systems Engineering S.r.l. aims to provide powerful and flexible tools to Public Administrations, system integrators, private companies, design studios and professionals with the aim of freeing up from the implementation details allowing to reduce the development time of complex and high added value solutions . To offer the customer high quality products and cutting-edge technological solutions, while ensuring technical assistance at the highest level. To tackle the problems of public and private mobility in an innovative way, developing solutions based on safety, efficiency, effectiveness, economy and respect for the environment in an organic and functional way.