The company was founded in 1991 (the first company founded in the county of Teleorman after the Revolution);
It was founded in 1991 and the goal was the performance of different economic activities and to profit:
1991 – food and non-food trade;
1994 – distributions of oils, batteries, tires, auto parts;
2005 - sell of agricultural equipments
2007 - constructions;
Starting with 2007, when Romania joined the EU, considering the evolution of Romanian agriculture, the evolution of agricultural products prices, the necessary of aliments and the global demand increasingly higher and especially the good agricultural potential of the area in which we perform the activity, we decided to develop with priority the activity which uses the agricultural equipments.
Regarding the sale of the agricultural equipments, we sold and want to sell the CLAAS equipments and complementary equipments, such as, broadcast seeders, soil processing, weed-killer machines, fertilization equipment, etc.
For this, we collaborate with:
LEMKEN – direct agreement with the manufacturer;
AMAZONE – direct agreement with the manufacturer;
MASCHIO GASPARDO – direct agreement with the manufacturer;