Easygov Solutions srl is an Innovative SME registered in the specific special section of the Business Register, pursuant to art. 4, paragraph 2, of Law 33/2015.
The company was founded in 2008 as an incubated reality at the business accelerator of Politecnico di Milano, carrying out management consultancy activities aimed exclusively at the PA market (Local and Central). It starts from the experience of a group of researchers from the Management Engineering Department of Politecnico di Milano with over ten years of background in managing management and organizational innovation projects in the Public Administration.
Easygov Solutions offers targeted services that comprehensively cover all aspects related to managerial and operational management connected to complex interventions of innovation and digital transformation in the PA. In order to guarantee high levels of professionalism and impartiality in the execution of its support services, the group has in particular made a precise choice of positioning on the market by directing its offer exclusively to the PA and therefore qualifying itself as a strictly neutral subject with respect to to the interests of the various private operators operating in the Public Sector.
In RTI with other entrepreneurial realities, Easygov is also awarded the following strategic tenders for the digitization of the PA: application services in a cloud perspective, lot 6 PMO, data management application services, lot 4 PMO. In January 2023, Easygov confirmed its award as agent of the new three-year tender for operational services to support CONSIP. The contract has a duration of 36 months.
At a national level, the company boasts references from over 120 Local and Central Public Administrations, is in possession of the ISO 9001:2015 quality certification and has obtained the certification of its Environmental Management System pursuant to the UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 standard.