Vesta Corporation affonda le sue radici nella storia conciaria di Ponte a Egola (PI), dove, nel 1966, nel boom economico dell’espansione produttiva italiana, la ditta individuale denominata Vesta sviluppa la produzione di cuoio da suola, molto richiesto dai settori emergenti della calzatura.
Nel corso degli anni Vesta espande le proprie linee di prodotto ed oggi, attraverso la concia al cromo e la concia metal free, produce pellami leggeri di vitelli e mezzi vitelli, e pellami pesanti di toro, culatte e gropponi, per i brand dell’alta moda e della calzatura tecnica.
Vesta Corporation has its roots in the tanning history of Ponte a Egola (PI), where, in 1966, during the economic boom of Italian production, the individual company under the name Vesta began manufacturing leather for soles, much in demand in the emerging footwear industries.
Over the years, Vesta has expanded its product lines. Today it uses chrome-tanning and metal-free tanning to produce lightweight leather from calf and half-calf hide, as well as heavy leather from bull, rump and back hide, for haute couture and technical footwear brands.
Leather Product Manufacturing, Patent leather, Leather - Raw Materials, Leather & Shoes, Skins, hides and leathers, processed, Leathers, furs and their products, Textiles, Clothing, Leather, Watchmaking, Jewellery, Skins, hides and leathers processing services, Skin and hide tanning services, Pelli, pellami e cuoio lavorati
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