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About Ajmal Kv
Ajmal Kv is Sde at iCrimeFighter in Kerala, India. Previously worked at Masai as Full Stack Developer. iCrimeFighter is a Data Security Software Products company in 250 2nd Ave S
Suite 280
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401, US with 11 employees
Ajmal Kv Social
Ajmal Kv Work
Ajmal Kv is the Sde @iCrimeFighter, with experience in Full Stack Developer @Masai
Founded in 2011 by two law enforcement officers in Minnesota, iCrimeFighter (ICF) is an AWS GovCloud-based and CJIS compliant digital evidence collection, storage and transfer solution. It remains far superior than any other Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS) in the market, as it allows Law Enforcement Agencies, District Attorneys, Title IX Coordinators, Offices of Student Conduct at Colleges and Universities, Students, Citizens of the Community, and any other individual or agency involved in a case to safely and efficiently collaborate.
Our solution provides agencies with a system that allows public safety professionals to seamlessly streamline digital evidence from the field to the courtroom; thus, rewarding valuable time back to law enforcement officers and county attorneys, so they can dedicate more of their time making a positive impact on the community.