Kazphosphate” LLC’s principal place of business and operations is concentrated in Zhambyl Oblast, operational running of the branches and their performance monitoring is made from Taraz office (126, Abay Street).
"Kazphosphate" LLC represents the phosphorus industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, being a leading company involved in phosphorus-containing production on the territory of CIS countries.
"Kazphosphate" LLC products are delivered to the markets of Eastern & Western Europe, CIS countries, China and to home market.
The Company activity is aimed at solution of priority tasks on development of Kazakhstani chemical industry, world markets entry with qualitative competitive products, creation of image of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of the high-tech products supplier in the result of high level processing of raw materials.
Chemical Manufacturing, Fertilisers, Chemicals
HQ Location
Omarovoy 8 str., BC “Keruen”
Almaty, KZ
Mining and ExplorationProcessing of phsophorite oreManufacturingand Marketingsales and distribution