Tartu Observatory is an institute of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Tartu. Tartu Observatory's main areas of research and experimental development are space technology, remote sensing and astronomy, including stellar physics, physics of galaxies, and cosmology.
Tartu Observatory provides research-based services in its research areas, is a reliable partner in the international networks, trains young scientists and extends the natural-scientific worldview. Tartu Observatory is located on the Tõravere hill, about 20 km south-west of Tartu in Nõo Parish, Tartu County, Estonia.
Tartu Observatory also has a visitor center which is created to introduce the newest achievements of space research and technology as well as the profession of a researcher. The main principle of science popularization at Tartu Observatory is to expose live science – the laboratories, telescopes and other premises where new scientific knowledge is created every day.
Instagram: @tartuobservatory
Twitter: @tartuobs
Facebook: Tartu observatoorium