BUILDit was established as General contracting company in KSA. In the first decade itself, the company has proved its capability to compete in various fields of engineering, construction and maintenance contract works in both the Private and government sectors. Our team has a strong presence in the Commercial, Residential and Industrial Building construction sector, having maintained good customer relations and completed contracts for all the companies based in all the Kingdome. We cover apartments, commercial office buildings, communities, education facilities, healthcare centers, iconic structures, industrial units, infrastructure, residential housing villas, retail, technology, and data centers.
BUILDit reiterating its strong commitment toward delivering quality products to the utmost customer satisfaction together with keeping wellbeing of its dedicated crew and workforce Our commitment is to execute the projects from A to Z entrusted with us successfully and deliver the product on time with utmost customer's satisfaction.
Year Founded
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HQ Location
4416 طريق الأمير سعد بن عبدالرحمن الأول، 6480، السلام، الرياض 14226
18 & 19, First floor
Riyadh, Al Salam 14226, SA