Doha Tech Angels (DTA) is a company led by a group of individuals who have extensive experience in disruptive technology. They are passionate about entrepreneurs who have energy and ambition to take their ideas from concepts to market. Most of DTA’s members are seasoned investors and senior executives who have founded, managed, and invested in digital ventures and have engaged in the digital technology and media ventures in MENA and beyond. The fund is managed by a very diversified and talented investment committee.
What do we do ?
Doha TechAngels (DTA) provides seed funding for early stage disruptive technology startups in Qatar, the Middle East, and beyond. DTA is not just a fund; DTA, its Board of Directors and its Investment Committee use their time, experience and networks to mentor and guide startups to support their growth and business development. DTA encourages the new generation of entrepreneurs to develop their ideas and gain profitability by filling the funding gap. The company's objective is to be a player in Qatar’s path towards self-sufficiency and economic diversification by creating jobs in the market while building internal capabilities.